Pexgol Elbow for Slurry Transport
Installation of a Pexgol Elbow with Mechanical Joints to Replace HDPE.
Case Study Nº
Working Conditions
Pexgol Pipes

The Challenge
Antioquia Gold, a Colombian mining company, required continuous maintenance to the HDPE pipe (160 mm PN16) that they used for the discharge to the FALCON 1 gravimetric concentrator, which suffered from constant abrasion problems. It had to be thermo-fused in very short sections to give the necessary radius of curvature in the operation. This pipe had a durability of 1 to 2 months maximum.
Pexgol Solution
Due to its durability, ease of installation (mechanical) and because it does not require maintenance, Antioquia Gold decides to use a Pexgol elbow.
The elbow was installed and after 90 days of testing, the elbow and the connections have maintained hermeticity without fluid loss, maintaining the integrity and initial conditions during the period of operation, when subjected to the expected conditions.
Thanks to the benefits of Pexgol elbows and the versatility of the GP flange coupler, the tolerance of the elbow and its easy handling, the operation cuts were carried out satisfactorily. The elbow was installed by simply aligning the mechanical flanges, making the installation complete in 20 minutes.
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