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Innovation in Safety: Pexgol Piping System for LPG Supply

A Case Study on the Collaborative Engineering and Strategic Implementation of the Pexgol Pipeline System for Public Safety and Efficiency

Case Study Nº



Rawabi City



Working Conditions

Pressure: 6 bar

Pexgol Pipes

Pexgol 32 mm to 250 mm, Class 15


LPG Transportation


8500 m / 27887 ft


Innovation in Safety: Pexgol Piping System for LPG Supply

The Challenge

Rawabi, a city located in the Judean Mountains faced a unique challenge: to replace private gas supply with a LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) to the city while conforming to International Standards.

The new gas supply pipe design challenge included:

  • High mechanical resistance to withstand high pressures and external wear and tear.
  • Continuous sections to minimize connection points.
  • Long-Term durability to minimize maintenance, and maximize the return on investment (ROI).

The Solution

The solution to this complex challenge was found in Pexgol’s Class 15 SDR-11 pipes, with sizes ranging from 32 mm to 250 mm. These pipes were specifically designed for compatibility with Natural Gas & LPG transportation, having been certified to meet or exceed the following standards:

  • API 15PX: Comply with the standard
  • ISO 14531: Certified
  • AS 2492: Certified
  • ASTM F2905: Certified

Over four months, Pexgol’s team worked closely with the design group, providing technical guidance and ensuring complete adaptation to all requirements. The success of this project stands as a testament to Pexgol’s commitment to innovation, collaboration, and safety, contributing to a future where the residents of Rawabi can live without the concern of private gas tanks and enjoy the benefits of a safe and efficient public gas supply system.

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