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Environmental Protection and Efficiency in Tailings Management

In an engineering challenge, the Pexgol 225 mm (8”) Class 15 pipe proved to be the perfect solution for transporting tailings at the Mina Capela mining complex.

Case Study Nº



Mina Capella — Grupo Peñoles



Working Conditions

Flow: 200 m3/h Temperature: 25°C / 77°F Pressure: 130psi Fluid components: Limestone, water and acids — 55% solids in suspension. Specific weight 3. K50 (microns): 91.3

Pexgol Pipes

Pexgol 225 mm (8″), Class 15


Transport of Slurry


900 m / 2952 ft


Environmental Protection and Efficiency in Tailings Management

The Challenge

At the Mina Capela mining complex of Grupo Peñoles in Mexico, they faced the challenge of implementing an efficient and safe solution for pumping tailings from the thickener plant to a new tailings dam. The solution had to be wear-resistant in the long term and ensure minimal risk of leaks to protect the environment.

Pexgol Solution

The choice was to install 900 meters of Pexgol 225 mm (8”) Class 15 piping, known for its durability and abrasion resistance. The piping was arranged around the tailings dam, with branches every 200 meters to fill the dam from different positions, thus optimizing the distribution of material.

The main challenges to face were:

  • Highly abrasive fluid: The tailings required a solution that could withstand longterm
  • Environmental protection: In case of spillage, the fluid could negatively affect
    the local ecosystem.

Therefore, an option with minimal risk of leaks in the piping and connections was sought.

The Pexgol 225 mm (8”) Class 15 piping proved to be the ideal solution for this challenge. The combination of the material’s (PE-X) abrasion resistance and the supply in rolls, which minimizes the number of joints, made Pexgol the safest option.

After three years of operation, thickness measurements taken every six months have confirmed that there has been no reduction in the thickness of the piping, demonstrating its durability and optimal performance.

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In an engineering challenge, the Pexgol 225 mm (8”) Class 15 pipe proved to be the perfect solution for transporting tailings at the Mina Capela mining complex.

Environmental Protection and Efficiency in Tailings Management

Mina Capella - Grupo Peñoles


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