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Pexgol for Centrifugal Pump Test

Replacement of Steel Pipes with Pexgol for Testing Centrifugal Pumps.

Исследование случая №






Эксплуатационные условия

Flow: 7 kg/cm2 | Temperature: 55°C / 131°F

Использованные трубы

Pexgol 250 mm, class 12 + Tee fittings & flanged electrofusion elbow

Сфера применения

Centrifugal pump testing


36 m / 118 ft


The Challenge

Flowserve is an American multinational corporation and one of the largest providers of industrial and environmental machinery such as pumps, valves, mechanical end seals, automation, and services to the power, oil, gas, chemical, and other industries.

To carry out tests on centrifugal pumps in the laboratory, the company used 10-inch carbon steel pipes. As the design is different in each case, the assembly and disassembly of very heavy pipes were periodically required with the risk that this implies. It was also necessary to use chemical products to prevent corrosion of the pipe.

Pexgol Solution

The client decided to replace its carbon steel pipes with Pexgol. Since they are 6 times lighter than carbon steel pipes. Therefore, they allowed to reduce the assembly and disassembly times, with less personnel and lower risks of accidents for the operators. On the other hand, the problem of corrosion that attacked the steel pipes was completely ruled out.

The joints used at the ends of the pipes were flanged mechanical couplings. In addition, Tee fittings and flanged Pexgol elbows were used.

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