Vertical Drain in Underground Mine
Installation of Pexgol Pipes for Drainage of an Underground Mine
Estudo de Caso Nº
Meridian Mine – Faena El Peñón
Condições de Trabalho
Underground work
Solução Pexgol
Pexgol 160 mm (6”), Class 15 | Pexgol 160 mm (6”), Class 19 | Pexgol 200 mm (8”), Class 26.7
Mine Dewatering
800 m

The Challenge
The Meridian mine (Faena El Peñón) required the installation of a line for the drainage of high-pressure water from the lower level of the mine, passing through the vertical ventilation chimney with a height of 150 meters, continuing through the interior of the mine until an outdoor pool.
Pexgol Solution
The client decided to install 800 m of Pexgol pipes in three di erent sizes:
Pexgol 160 mm (6”) Class 15, 160 mm (6”) Class 19 and 200 mm (8”) Class 26.7.
The installation was very simple:
- Lifting was carried out in the ventilation chimney.
- Mechanical connections were used that did not require special tools for installation.
- In the upper area the pipes were placed on supports provided by the mining company.
Pexgol was selected due to its capabilities:
- Possibility of supply in long lengths minimizing the connections to only 4.
- Ability to withstand the drag of more than 5 km from outside to the final assembly point inside the underground mine.
- Ability to withstand creep involved in vertical mounting of 150 meters.
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Industria Chiquibul