Transportation of Water with Solids
Pexgol Pipe Installation for the Transport of Water with Solids (Feathers, Bones, Viscera, Etc.)
Estudo de Caso Nº
Condições de Trabalho
Solução Pexgol

The Challenge
Kofanor, a Mexican industrial company dedicated to the transformation of meat waste into flour and oil through a thermal process, resulting in a protein ingredient for the manufacture of animal feed.
Kofanor was looking to install an underground line to transport process water from a manhole to a sump. Two options were contemplated for this project, carbon steel or stainless steel pipes, however the first one was not an option due to the corrosion that they present over time, and stainless steel resulted in a very high operating cost.
Pexgol Solution
It was decided to use Pexgol due to the great facility to carry out the installation, where no joint or sand bed was required for the 140 meters of route where the pipe would be buried. Pexgol was cheaper compared to carbon steel and stainless steel.
Likewise, no special equipment was required to carry out the installation, since the plant had a backhoe and forklift with which they were able to uncoil the pipe without any problem.
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