Potable Water Aqueduct
Transport of Drinking Water in Harsh Terrain.
Estudo de Caso Nº
Condições de Trabalho
Solução Pexgol

The Challenge
The Bogotá Aqueduct and Sewer Company (Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotá) needed to provide potable water to the Aguas Claras area (Colombia). This community is located on place that is very difficult to access due to the topography of the place. The pipe to be installed had to go through a mountainous and vegetated area.
Pexgol Solution
The client chose Pexgol due to its advantages, and theyt also wanted to carry out this installation as a test to compare the performance of the PE-X versus the HDPE that they regularly used.
The installation was carried out by deploying the pipe on the field, with no sand bed or need to be buried, being placed and dragged directly on the ground in just 4 hours.
After 180 days of successful operation, the Aqueduct and Sewerage System in Bogotá certified the good behavior of the installed pipeline and justified its use for the following reasons:
- A 10-year guarantee was granted (for the transport of drinking water).
- The pipes are designed for a lifespan of more than 50 years.
- Easy manipulation in the field, which means fewer operators.
- Minimize the use of accessories reducing costs, head losses, labor and installation time.
- Due to its compatibility for connection with other pipes: HDPE, carbon steel, among others.
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