Open Cast Mine Dewatering
Transportation of water with solids from an open cast mine
Estudo de Caso Nº
Condições de Trabalho
Solução Pexgol
The Challenge
Collahuasi Mine required to transport water from the cast mine. Due to the harsh environmental conditions of the field, the engineering team decided to make a change on the type of material they have been using historically.
Pexgol Solution
A 4,000 meter Pexgol pipe was installed from the bottom of the cast mine to the load area. It required a Pexgol pipe 225 mm Class 24, in long sections of 320 meters that enabled an easy installation.
The Pexgol pipe was design to resist the working life cycle of the dewatering system, without suffering any damages on the pipe itself, the operations or the employees working on it.
Collahuasi Mine has become one of the Golan’s key clients regarding the use of dewatering lines among Chile’s mines. The pipe installed has been in use since 2013 with no failures.
Estudos de Caso Relacionados
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Vertical Dewatering
Water Transport Between Dams
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