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High-pressure fluid transport

High-pressure water transport for the Southern Pit in a copper and zinc mine.

Caso de Estudio Nº



Minera Antapaccay



Condiciones Operativas:

Exposed pipe with 30 bar (435 PSI) repump system

Tuberías Utilizadas:

Pexgol 355 mm (14”), class 30


Drain water transport


270 m / 885 ft


High-pressure fluid transport

The Challenge

Minera Antapaccay faced the challenge of laying a pipeline over the slope of the Southern Pit from level 3870 to level 3632; for its project to drain groundwater from the bottom of the pit to connect to the water network for the plant, located in the mine area. Given the morphology of the slope in the terrain and the difference in heights (238 meters), a pipeline was required that would provide safety for working with high pressures and that could be exposed to the sun and low temperatures without the need to bury it.

The Solution

It was decided to install Pexgol since it is supplied in roll format, in this case up to 90 m in length. Compared to steel and HDPE, which are supplied in 12 or 14-meter sections, this supply format minimized labor and the likelihood of failure. Likewise, the potential for making joints on the slope’s body was reduced, decreasing the exposure of personnel to high-risk work. The laying was carried out using the brand’s equipment, making use of a pipe uncoiler, yellow line equipment, and manual pulling equipment (tirfor), due to the limited space for unrolling. Connections were made using electrofusion couplings and stub-ends.

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